I see. Thanks, Matt. Wonder how many disqualify or are too poor to get one. I asked Copilot this. Its answer:

Economic Barriers: While there isn’t a precise percentage of adults who are too poor to buy a gun, economic factors do play a role in gun ownership. The cost of purchasing a firearm, along with associated costs such as ammunition, storage, and training, can be prohibitive for some individuals.

Disqualification from Ownership: A significant portion of federal firearm offenses involve illegal possession, often due to disqualification from ownership. In FY 2021, 89% of federal firearm offenders were legally disqualified from owning guns, typically because of a felony record. This indicates that a substantial number of individuals are disqualified from gun ownership due to legal restrictions.

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Children don't and most wives probably don't own a gun.

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Correct on wives. But, children were excluded from the referenced poll. US Adults: Pew Research Center: 32% own a gun. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/09/13/key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/

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I agree that unfortunately she is very likely to win. And Wall Street doesn’t seem to be very excited about the prospects of a Harris administration… makes you wonder wonder what they know that we don’t.

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The government is the central banks and the private families that own them. They have an anti human agenda and there are too many cattle on the farm. They knew drugs were bad for society 80 years ago, but they needed clear thinkers to fight their wars. The best way to get rid of the homeless and downtrodden vets is to let them kill themselves off with illicit drugs. The Koch empire and CIA are only too happy to oblige. Transgenders people are neither man or woman. So your now a different class, just like slave eunuchs of old. Those cattle are neutered and its the end of the gene pool of the broken minded. Global warming is real, climate crisis is not. There are huge lands on rhe poles of this earth yet to be escaped too. But the people controlling us do not want us off the farm. You’re not allowed to go there? Says who? You have to get permission to do everything and yet we are supposed to be free? Look at the Fed today buying massive debt. Never seen anything like it. Buy the dips everything going higher

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If Scamala Harris wins the election it won’t be any of the 23 reasons Michael predicted. It will be the ones that Doug came up with.

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I think it’s a foregone to conclusion at this point. The reasons why don’t really matter at the end of the day. Fact of the matter is she just has to make it competitive enough in the small handful of deep blue deeply corrupt counties that actually decide our elections for them to be able to cheat and get away with it. Biden was too far in the hole to make it work but that she can pull off.

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