Trump has been in there for a month. He has done more in a month than the Biden administration has ever done in 4 years. As for Germany...they destroyed themselves with letting in every Muslim that wanted to enter, and like London and France, cannot control their spending on Socialist programs, and free medical to all. We have been doing the same thing, and thank God, it will be over soon, I hope. Russia is no longer looking to go back to the old Communist regime, and Putin has taken his people from poverty into prosper. Catherine Fitts (and I have listened to her for years), does not like Trump, and does not like Musk. I am disappointed at how she has been going about the criticism she puts out. Musk does not need anybody's money! Neither does Trump. He is hardly a con, but probably is one of the finest minds out there.

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I assumed a fair bit of fraud, waste, and abuse in the government, but the scale of it, to me as a finance professional, is just breathtaking. However, it is not surprising if you think about it. I have worked for private companies all my life, and despite tough financial controls and internal and external audits (SOX), we still find fraud once in a while—and of course, we prosecute it. If you don't have proper control mechanisms (as they seem to be absent in many areas of government—some can't even pass audits), you just attract bad actors (like moths to a flame) trying to take advantage of improperly monitored cash. They should apply the financial control laws applicable to public companies to government entities—at the very least.

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Absolutely spot on. We have not seen anything yet! Probably not even the tip of the iceberg!

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Unfortunately I think this is all smoke and mirrors. The 'light' seems to pacify the indignation of the MAGA crowd, yet I am unconvinced by the posturing. Data harvesting and an AI controlled deep state, what could possibly go wrong? A though occurred to me and I may be completely wide of the mark here, I suspect the Russia / USA (old allies) are part of the big money play to finally destroy Germany and with it the EU. After all they have been trying for 110 years. With a Blackrock Hawk in charge of Germany, he'll knock the final nails into the de-industrialisation and destruction of the state. Bringing with it the reset these gangsters crave.

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Catherine Austin Fitts and Naomi Wolf have a different take on DOGE. BTW, Musk is NOT in charge of this department despite DT's statement to the contrary.

"Renowned economist and futurist Catherine Austin Fitts expands on and adds detail to her warnings about what may be a deeper agenda behind the exciting headlines generated by Elon Musk’s DOGE. Are elements of a turnkey ‘control grid’ being locked into place? Does eliminating the civil service, as bracing as it sounds, actually empower rather than dismantle the Deep State? What kind of boundless persecution can individuals face when private or unrestricted government AI has access to all their personal data? And what happened to the numerous government investigations into Mr. Musk’s companies, not to mention his conflicts of interest? Also: why it is patriotic to remain critical, even of an administration one supports. ‘The real campaign (for liberty) begins on election day.’ A must-watch, must-listen interview."


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Thanks for sharing. But sadly, I know enough about Naomi Klein's doppelganger to not care about her takes (though I do appreciate her opposition to the COVID nonsense).

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The problem is we have seen ZERO, Ziltch, Nada, NO evidence whatsoever of any of that wasteful spending Musk keeps on talking about finding. Let me repeat that: NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER. If I am WRONG, prove it. Show me the evidence. Show me the documentation. I will be waiting.

'But the gravy train for Israel and Musk will of course...continue.

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The gravy train for Musk? Please elaborate (and be specific). I'm genuinely want to know.

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As for "evidence" of savings—here it is. DOGE identified and cut wasteful spending across multiple agencies:

>>The EPA flagged $20 billion in misallocated funds that were being rushed out with little oversight.

>>FEMA had spent $59 million housing illegal immigrants in luxury NYC hotels—those funds were reclaimed.

>>The DoD was paying $1,300 per reheatable coffee cup and got overcharged by Boeing 8,000% for soap dispensers—those contracts were canceled.

These are just a few examples. If you’re not seeing what DOGE is doing as savings, it’s because you don’t want to—because you don’t like Musk, which is pretty clear.

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Elon is the biggest con out there

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Watch cannibals eat each other. sending lots of love and prayers ♥️☀️☮️🌈🏁

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