Thank you for the reality check. I didn't need it. But trust me, the sheeple do. I am boots on the ground. Much to my dismay. I might as well let you know, being so, I can see that, Joe Sheeple, is completely clueless. To the genocide, to coming shortages, (which have been, baked in the cake), as Doug pointed out last year, to the medical cartel and their being unwitting accomplists to murdering the human race, (for the most part). They do not, at all, have any clue that their world is about to be turned upside down. It is THE MOST frustrating thing I've ever experienced in my life. To KNOW what is inevitable, but if you try and help anyone, they think you are bat shit crazy.
So, if Doug wants boots on the ground, for this, I'm your man. (Woman)! I'm in down town Cincinnati. Never been here before in my life. I can only observe with horror, as a few, mostly Uber and Lyft drivers, have an inkling of what's well on it's way. The time to get out of Dodge, is almost past. I'm still going to try. I've no illusions that I'm tied to the soil that I happened to be born on. That is accident of birth. I would fight to my last breath for the freedom of my grandchildren, but I'll not stay and watch. Not if I can help it. But until I can afford to leave, I will continue to document all I've seen, which is substantial, and relay it a as best I can, to anyone who cares to know.
I apologize for the delay in responding. It seems since the beginning of the plandemic, the driver's have been a pretty good source for information. I can't stand Uber, as a company and use Lyft whenever possible. Uber seems totally communist. They are all in on Communist guidelines, and implemented mandatory face diaper wearing, early on. Their drivers should have had SS badges, they were that bad. They seem to have eased up, but they do record everything now. (For your safety) Of course!
In the last couple of years, I find them to be more and more programmed and less open minded. But then that is people in general.
I called the pharmacy at the local grocery store chain, to see if a prescription was ready. The recording happily saying that they have a "limited supply" of the new bio-weapon. Be sure to come on in and get your jab! I'm thinking, "Right! I'm sure they are lining up for that"
But when I got there, much to my horror, grey haired people in wheelchairs, with walkers or just shuffling in,were in line for just that. It was all I could do to not scream for them to, RUN. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
Thank you for the reality check. I didn't need it. But trust me, the sheeple do. I am boots on the ground. Much to my dismay. I might as well let you know, being so, I can see that, Joe Sheeple, is completely clueless. To the genocide, to coming shortages, (which have been, baked in the cake), as Doug pointed out last year, to the medical cartel and their being unwitting accomplists to murdering the human race, (for the most part). They do not, at all, have any clue that their world is about to be turned upside down. It is THE MOST frustrating thing I've ever experienced in my life. To KNOW what is inevitable, but if you try and help anyone, they think you are bat shit crazy.
So, if Doug wants boots on the ground, for this, I'm your man. (Woman)! I'm in down town Cincinnati. Never been here before in my life. I can only observe with horror, as a few, mostly Uber and Lyft drivers, have an inkling of what's well on it's way. The time to get out of Dodge, is almost past. I'm still going to try. I've no illusions that I'm tied to the soil that I happened to be born on. That is accident of birth. I would fight to my last breath for the freedom of my grandchildren, but I'll not stay and watch. Not if I can help it. But until I can afford to leave, I will continue to document all I've seen, which is substantial, and relay it a as best I can, to anyone who cares to know.
Love, joy and freedom to you all. ✌️
Thanks for your perspective, Lauri. And for reading!
>>... as a few, mostly Uber and Lyft drivers, have an inkling of what's well on it's way.
I wonder why that is... Why is it the drivers? Because they talk to more people than your average Joe?
I apologize for the delay in responding. It seems since the beginning of the plandemic, the driver's have been a pretty good source for information. I can't stand Uber, as a company and use Lyft whenever possible. Uber seems totally communist. They are all in on Communist guidelines, and implemented mandatory face diaper wearing, early on. Their drivers should have had SS badges, they were that bad. They seem to have eased up, but they do record everything now. (For your safety) Of course!
In the last couple of years, I find them to be more and more programmed and less open minded. But then that is people in general.
I called the pharmacy at the local grocery store chain, to see if a prescription was ready. The recording happily saying that they have a "limited supply" of the new bio-weapon. Be sure to come on in and get your jab! I'm thinking, "Right! I'm sure they are lining up for that"
But when I got there, much to my horror, grey haired people in wheelchairs, with walkers or just shuffling in,were in line for just that. It was all I could do to not scream for them to, RUN. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
I didn't. It is pointless.
Your right the sheeple need it, but they dont read this, if they do they are left wing socialists, well you know.