Hi Matt

Met you in UY at a mutual friend’s event.

I see gold being the standard for the next reset, with a bit of Bitcoin mixed in. But UY real estate too.

It’s what makes reset happen and be possible.

I’m not selling any…buying gold and real estate…. Like Punta..



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Silver, oil, uranium and platinum group metals are all good values now.

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The disease is hope projection. If that’s not too redundant.

Optimism has killed far more people than opium has.

Boomer-blame, generalizing from specific instances, blaming a generation for the things that were done that they had nothing more to do with than younger people have to do with things being done today, is projection also.

Divide & conquer those unable to do simple addition.

Pessimism about “the boomers” is optimism about the righteousness/victimization in the mirror.

"Don't let envy take a toll" goes the tune. Dancin' Circles Round The Sun (Epictetus Speaks) ~ Rodney Crowell

(But stoicism is a born personality, not a philosophical adoption.)

Unless … the implicit is that since “the boomers” didn’t go “boom, boom - out go the lights!” French Revo on the bankers et al, they are responsible for where that arc of the ever burgeoning catastrophe’s ballistics is projectiling these days …

… Which is no empty perspective.

But, “rumble, young man, rumble” - Revo is a youthful undertaking, even if Ali was 32 years & 9 months when he rope-a-doped 25 years & 9 months George Foreman.

And I’m sure “boomer” undertakers will find holes & crematoriums for all that your youthful undertaking generates.

How’s that for generational partnership? Sounds like The Waltons, to me, happy-happy mostly, despite great depression hard times, up there on their mountain.

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years ago, I'd have said leave your Money to the NRA, but that's out. So leave it to Gun Owner's of america, the second amendment foundation, Jews for firearms freedom, Judicial watch.

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