When Trump was elected the first time around, Putin was the first world leader to call him. They get along just fine, and will work together. Putin may be a thug, but Zelensky is pure evil! Trump wants to use the assets in the Ukraine to pay us back for the ridiculous amount of money we sent them,.... that Zelensky had the nerve to say could not be found. We need to shake down the little "high-heeled dancer", as we will probably get stuck with him. Few people know that he has a 30 million dollar estate in the US in Florida to "retire to", and I think one in Singapore. Enjoyed the discussion, guys!

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The Ukraine minerals deal gives the USA a "legitimate" reason to have some form of military protection to take care or US "assets" inside Ukraine.

Apparently around 40% of the minerals are inside the territory under Russian control and I don't see them ever giving that up. The Minsk agreement made sure of that.

I do not see Russia taking to this easily or kindly. It is a de facto way of putting "NATO" on Russia's doorstep. When you combine this with article 5 it simply pushes Russia closer to pressing that big red, launch button.

Additionally, France is talking about stationing nuclear bombers in Germany in case the US removes its Pershing missiles. Add in Crazy Keith Starmer and his unconditional support for Ukraine and you have a very strong recipe for nuclear war.

At the end of the day,the nuclear option is Russia's last stand. I suspect the whole thing will wind up like the Alamo.

But most people have forgotten the Alamo..!!!

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California, every state document must be published in multiple languages, don’t have a count but I bet it’s over a dozen, and it’s required by state law. Cost has to be huge!

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Read a rumor podcast that insinuated that Elon Musk was going to buy the Canal, submit it to his process, his Boring Company might try to solve the problem of needing more water. The north part of Panama has hugh(160"/yr) amounts of water that flows right into the Pacific.

The whole MINERALS things a distortion/BS.(SHELL game for the sheeple) Checkout what Doomberg says about where the rare earth minerals lies...mostly in the Donbas,along with oil.gas,extremly rich farm land 95% Russian etc.. Putin has already said US could have access to & co-development of minerals. Allegedly very rich deposits. Putin says "We have plenty:.:) We can work a deal.:)

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How about reparations for all the Panamanians killed when we invaded to to capture their president & our previous member of the CIA cartel. US got a good return on their money for use of canal. It worked better since it has been run by Panama & upgraded as well. Whampoa built the ports cause no one in USA wanted. Whampoa is owned LI, 11th richest man in the world. BTW Columbia/Panama were once part of the Simon Bolivar groups of several countries who rebelled from Spain.

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Iron Dome did not work...work on a hypersonic missiles. Otherwise we will have F-35- like junk heaps that that done work 33-50% of the time. How about cheap effective drones.

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Short plump white women are dangerous in big pickups as well in Texas/Oklahoma!

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PU trucks ...my balls are bigger than your balls:)

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Trump said at one time there should be income tax only in the domicile you live in.

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Absolutely right about legalizations of drugs. The illegal drugs are very cheap to make. Could be sold at stores(government/private) and parlors where you could purchase a antidote, maybe a linked purchase. Many countries have an alternative laws/supervision for this group of drugs. Many are purchased OTC. Reflection of history of control of illicit drug use, suggests that the beneficial return on the oppressive treatment of drug users other than alcohol are greatly exaggerated. The profit incentive will be destroyed.

However I would be harsh if operating vehicles or other machinery. Minor infraction whipped with canes, imprisonment immediately if operating vehicle with super rapid court appearance if noted to be under the influence. No second chance...some punishment to be meted out immediately! Like you do with training of animals & children. Tom Ewing, D.O., FAOAO.

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Doug & Matt. Thank you both for your discussion!

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