
Doug Casey's Take on Thailand

Expat Life, Property Investment, and Cultural Insights

Before Doug left Thailand he sat down with Ben Hart, an American lawyer-turned-Thai citizen, Michael Yon, and ⁨Masako Ganaha⁩ for a conversation about Thailand.

Timestamps (from Youtube)

00:00 Welcome to Thailand
00:17 Meet Michael Yon and Ben Hart
01:36 Living in Thailand: Pros and Cons
07:34 Visa and Residency Options
08:58 Buying Property in Thailand
14:09 Cultural and Spiritual Aspects of Land Ownership
17:03 Challenges of Retiring Early in Thailand
22:54 Business Opportunities and Legalization of Cannabis
26:42 Falling in Love with Thailand
27:41 Advice for Young Expats
28:55 Demographic Shifts and Common Mistakes
29:45 Understanding Thai Politics and Law
34:54 Police and Legal System in Thailand
39:13 Impact of Cannabis Legalization
43:22 Final Thoughts and Reflections