Didm’t the entire rare earth minerals bull case rely on the “renewables” and nut zero being a sure thing? That’s the story I keep hearing anyway. I remain very skeptical. Merry Christmas 🎄🎁

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Maybe "modern life" is not essential to life, or even a/the good life.

Maybe ma nature's scarcities & distribution choke points will choke the life out of the mods that are so hellbent on choking down the planet.

Of course, many a pawn will be hocked in that possible process.

Saw a headline, probably one of many similar, about the demand explosion in the already booming "executive protection" racket subsequent the recent case of one of those executioners executions ...

... Which is much of the why many pawns must get hocked:

Theirs is to jump & die theirs is not to reason why, or even if, all the various & sundry executive executioners ought to be protected.

Otoh, a pawn among pawns once condescended to inform me that at least part of what made the barbarous relic barbarous was the false scarcity of its distribution in choke point earth's crust.

He said infinite amounts of the stuff is to be had floating around in unaffiliated & unattached bachelor & bachelorette chunks of crust up there in outer space. And that all that loot was just waiting for the rapine of matrimony-miners to prenuptially contract it into the terrestrial human family-economy.

Maybe the billionaires' space programs will send pawns forth to bring back the illimitable REE's from well done earth's (the center that will not hold) rocky satellites.

In which case maybe ma nature just means to continue facilitating "modern life" to death.

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You might try writin plain English.

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This is gross negligence on the part of our elected representatives. While they fight over men getting pregnant and needing pay raises they let our cities fall into 4th world destruction, they let the Chinese steal our farmland, our chip business, and our REEs, etc.. It is time we take back our land and chips and develop total control of all strategic national security supply chains, guaranteeing us what we need to keep all our enemies at bay. I want our enemies to know we take care of ourselves. And get all our globalist morons out of office and out of the country they hate!!

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