The wood we get for houses used to come from Oregon and Washington before the woke Eco terrorists destroyed our timber industry here. Now we have forest fires.

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Lincoln: Go ahead, secede all you want, “make my/backers/day” tho, & keep sending all that global South tribute-tariff money up elite North.

(Art) Linked In (Reid Hoffman PayPal mafia) Later: The union preceded the states - ha-ha laugh track goes here - & you little people ain’t goin’ nowhere but feudal downscale.

Moses: Let my people go.

Netanyahu: Go, go go! (Walter Block concurs … Hoppe is correct)

Will the Robert E. Lee reincarnation pin the warcrimes corsage on the donkey this time?

Stay alive, stay tuned, drop out … to Uruguay, maybe.

“Consumers” because “consumeds” might bother the cannibalized.

All tariffs are taxes are punitive & all costs of goods sold are passed thru to the buyers who are the domestically - & “foreign” too - consumed-consumers. Making lower (import) prices illegal makes higher prices to consumed-consumers inevitable.

(Pop quiz: Why’d “the sons of liberty” dress up like the Village People’s Indian & trash all that tea into Boston Harbor? A: It was a 100% tariff on lower priced imports … which cut into the Smugglers’ Blues first-green-is-gold. Moral: Heroes in books are often, mostly, worse than two-faced; see Campbell’s Hero With a Thousand Faces, which comes to 2000 tongue forks.)

But … nothing consumes consumers like trading affirmative action currency - the buck/ing buc/king bronco trojan horse - for imported ‘planned obsolescence’. (Of course that’s not what billionaires trade the worthless scrip for.)

Nation/states monopolize/monetize captive-collateral-citizens. Always have, always will.

And that’s on CCC because those outnumber the MM’s by millions to one but also because the CCC’s are really just molecules & dust & chips off the MM bloc. The fookery is fractal.

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Trumps recent dollar tirade is indeed making BRICS+ very very very happy. They have been benefitting from US missteps since the Russian SMO

BRICS+ couldnt have written a more perfect script to support the building of their economic union. US and its actions have paved a yellow brick road for BRICS+ to supplant the Hegemony!

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Argentina, SA generally, is thoroughly de-compartmentalized - which re-carbonizes what the de-carbonizers are about & up to - by Chilean-based Whitney Webb at her Unlimited Hangout site.

Milei Vanilli* is a lip sync act.

Or god's Lord Of The Flies lips to his ears.

*Black Germans, Black French, affirmative action fiction ... but real suicide.

I never watched it, but who gets massacred in TX with that chainsaw?

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Peacock(’d up) is the channel I started watching DOT (is/isn’t a Kansan, anymore) Jackal.

Paul Reubens wasn’t available so they tapped waif Redmayne, effectually turning this pedigreed story into a superchickflick.

Right out of the gate the impossible suitcase-sniper rifle shot - incl the test shots into the building facade just above the intended target that nobody noticed. Uh-oh.

Then the black female mi6 weapons expert who has a contact in the IRA … is when I deleted it from queue.

Affirmative action is fiction.

Affirmative action fiction is a crypto-interest fate exponent that is funding Individual Retirement Accounts that won’t be there when the time comes.

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Doug, please have a look at what happened to Saleen in China. That’s one of zillions of examples of outright theft. It’s not a meme.


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I've watched you for years, when I can stomach the horrible things you would say about Democrats and lastly with Harris.

How happy are you now with your vote for the current administration?

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Neither Doug nor I voted.

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Doug is a Libertarian, but many of us watching him are conservative, and take the Constitution literally. Most of us believe that the Biden election was rigged, and sadly, both parties contributed to it. I have never heard anything from Doug Casey that was "horrible", to quote you, and if you have merely been "tolerating" this site, you might want to look elsewhere for your entertainment.

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Harris lost me with her position on crime. And her nouveau Soviet idea of government price fixing was just silly.

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