Well, just a “tongue in cheek observation”, but Russia seems to be doing better economically after all of the insane sanctions that the Biden Administration put on them. Seems being “isolated” has advantages. Less taxes on companies that bring production back to our shores makes sense. Let’s face it, no country on earth truly has free trade. “Free Trade” has been a false narrative from our media propaganda outlets for way too long and helped destroy the core of America, it’s working class. And please don’t use China and their centrally planned economy as an example of “free trade”. Personally, I hate the cheap auto parts that they make, they have about a 60/40 reliability ratio. Cheap goods seem like a good idea until you look a little farther down the road and have to walk back home.

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One would hope that those tariffs would encourage companies to bring jobs back to America. After all, no matter how cheap junk from China may be, if you don't have a job and no income, you can't afford it. Personally, I think tariffs should be much higher on American companies who decided to relocate our jobs to other countries.

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