Hello Matt and Doug, I would very much like to attend your Plan B in Uruguay conference - looks like I just missed the cutoff. I am a Canadian currently in Paraguay for a few months. Please could you let me know if you can fit me in? Many thanks, Caroline
Hello Matt, I am very interested in your Plan B in Uruguay, unfortunately due to prior commitments I am unable to attend. Is there any way to get a synopsis of this adventure after your scheduled tour? I would love to be able to review with you and the other participants what you discovered and shared while there.
Hi Matt - I'd love to come and check out your ranch, but it's going ot be tought to make it in 2025. Are you likely to do one next year, and can you direct me to a good website that lists cattle ranches for sale? What is the price grazable ac that you need to budget for? thanks
Loving the content Matt and this conference is excellent idea.
We would love to attend this conference as Uruguay is definitely on our radar. Hoping you hold the same conference next year 2026 and we would love the be on a 'pre-release waitlist'. Timing is wrong for us at the moment as just moved to Antigua & Barbuda as our Plan B. It may not be forever place and was always the starting point for us to explore other options on this side of the world.
My main question relates to NW requirements for relocation to Uruguay. Actively doing some more research on cost of living etc.
I live in Australia and have been investigating moving my family of four to the Southern Cone for the last six months, including a trip to Buenos Aires in December.
I am wondering whether the professionals attending (i.e. lawyers, bankers, etc.) are also able to assist Australian citizens with residency, bank accounts, etc. ?
Can you please confirm if this is the case? Thanks!
Hello, it is possible to share some more details regarding the add-ons?
"Special Add-On Options:
Expedited bank account setup while here.
Fast-track residency processing (must register before February 10, 2025). You could actually leave Uruguay with your temporary residency card valid for two years."
(if it is need of additional time to stay in Uruguay, if yes how many estimated days, and the additional cost fo that).
If you attend the conference, we can set you up with someone we used to help get our residency. His fee is $5,000 per individual. We do not earn a referral fee of any kind.
Truthfully, you can do it all without a service provider arranging things, but it is far easier to accomplish with a knowledgeable party guiding your way. It was worth it for us.
In terms of timing - how many additional days... The key is you need to secure an appointment at the immigration offices before your arrival. Appointments are limited so the sooner you take action the more choices you'd have.
For the bank account, we'll provide all attendees with a list of documents they'd need in hand to set up the account.
Doug mentioned possibly bringing Argentina into the discussion which is a great idea!
I had pleasant 3 weeks in Uruguay in October and a short week in BA at the end. I was pleasantly surprised with the city and the people. Met a few people, started doing some research, got a little sidetracked but for now happy to focus on Uruguay and own some Argentinian stocks. Some coverage on BA real estate market would be really interesting.
We are working on it. I'd certainly encourage anyone coming to the event to add on a few days for a visit to BA. And we will, at the very least, put them in touch with residency and real estate experts to help them.
I just learned about your conference. Since my circumstances, unfortunately, require I make plans more in advance, I GREATLY hope you will host such opportunities in the future. Very best!
Matt........ Please...... Next time you head south, on the southern boundary of El Edén Total, Villa Eden, Casas De Campo, turn left on the dirt road, at the fork go to the left it is about 1 mile to the river, and take some photos of the road if bad..... Also where the road crosses the Arroyo??? 30 acres on the other side is for sale..... Looks like it needs a "Bridge over the river Why?'.... ;)
Doug/Matt - just read this e-mail/post and thank you very much. It would be an honour to somehow have either you or Doug on the podcast to chat about Plan B and Uruguay/Argentina. My wife and I would like to be able to come on the tour in 2026 as we step up our Plan B's and diversify around the world!
Just saw this but can’t make this tour. Do you have another in the fairly near future? As an aside, I spent the 1970s in Aspen but didn’t know Doug.
Regards, Mark
Nothing planned right now, but we will announce it here if/when we do.
Hello Matt and Doug, I would very much like to attend your Plan B in Uruguay conference - looks like I just missed the cutoff. I am a Canadian currently in Paraguay for a few months. Please could you let me know if you can fit me in? Many thanks, Caroline
Hello Matt, I am very interested in your Plan B in Uruguay, unfortunately due to prior commitments I am unable to attend. Is there any way to get a synopsis of this adventure after your scheduled tour? I would love to be able to review with you and the other participants what you discovered and shared while there.
Hi Matt - I'd love to come and check out your ranch, but it's going ot be tought to make it in 2025. Are you likely to do one next year, and can you direct me to a good website that lists cattle ranches for sale? What is the price grazable ac that you need to budget for? thanks
Prices vary widely depending on location and existing structures.
Phyle members? Where can I find more information on that?
Paid subscribers of Crisis Investing get access to phyle, our private member community.
Loving the content Matt and this conference is excellent idea.
We would love to attend this conference as Uruguay is definitely on our radar. Hoping you hold the same conference next year 2026 and we would love the be on a 'pre-release waitlist'. Timing is wrong for us at the moment as just moved to Antigua & Barbuda as our Plan B. It may not be forever place and was always the starting point for us to explore other options on this side of the world.
My main question relates to NW requirements for relocation to Uruguay. Actively doing some more research on cost of living etc.
Long-time listener and first-time caller.
I live in Australia and have been investigating moving my family of four to the Southern Cone for the last six months, including a trip to Buenos Aires in December.
I am wondering whether the professionals attending (i.e. lawyers, bankers, etc.) are also able to assist Australian citizens with residency, bank accounts, etc. ?
Can you please confirm if this is the case? Thanks!
Before you buy in, be sure to look at Cafajte the argentina mistake
Matt, I’d like to reserve a spot at the early bird rate? I’m new to this - how does one reserve a spot? Can I just let you know here? Thanks, Alex
There is an order link at the bottom of the page.
Hello, it is possible to share some more details regarding the add-ons?
"Special Add-On Options:
Expedited bank account setup while here.
Fast-track residency processing (must register before February 10, 2025). You could actually leave Uruguay with your temporary residency card valid for two years."
(if it is need of additional time to stay in Uruguay, if yes how many estimated days, and the additional cost fo that).
Thank you!
If you attend the conference, we can set you up with someone we used to help get our residency. His fee is $5,000 per individual. We do not earn a referral fee of any kind.
Truthfully, you can do it all without a service provider arranging things, but it is far easier to accomplish with a knowledgeable party guiding your way. It was worth it for us.
In terms of timing - how many additional days... The key is you need to secure an appointment at the immigration offices before your arrival. Appointments are limited so the sooner you take action the more choices you'd have.
For the bank account, we'll provide all attendees with a list of documents they'd need in hand to set up the account.
Thank you for answer!
One more thing: opening the bank account is related with process of residency or can be done independently, without apply for residency?
Opening the bank account can be done during the days of the event or need more time?
Doug mentioned possibly bringing Argentina into the discussion which is a great idea!
I had pleasant 3 weeks in Uruguay in October and a short week in BA at the end. I was pleasantly surprised with the city and the people. Met a few people, started doing some research, got a little sidetracked but for now happy to focus on Uruguay and own some Argentinian stocks. Some coverage on BA real estate market would be really interesting.
We are working on it. I'd certainly encourage anyone coming to the event to add on a few days for a visit to BA. And we will, at the very least, put them in touch with residency and real estate experts to help them.
I just learned about your conference. Since my circumstances, unfortunately, require I make plans more in advance, I GREATLY hope you will host such opportunities in the future. Very best!
Seriously considering trying to free myself to attend. Coming from the 'pricey' antipodes, hopefully I can get in on the early bird rate.
Matt........ Please...... Next time you head south, on the southern boundary of El Edén Total, Villa Eden, Casas De Campo, turn left on the dirt road, at the fork go to the left it is about 1 mile to the river, and take some photos of the road if bad..... Also where the road crosses the Arroyo??? 30 acres on the other side is for sale..... Looks like it needs a "Bridge over the river Why?'.... ;)
Doug/Matt - just read this e-mail/post and thank you very much. It would be an honour to somehow have either you or Doug on the podcast to chat about Plan B and Uruguay/Argentina. My wife and I would like to be able to come on the tour in 2026 as we step up our Plan B's and diversify around the world!
Thanks for that. I'll listen to one of your podcasts over the weekend.
Superb. Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you and connecting with you in due course!