I think this was the book Doug was talking about:

Cashing in on the American Dream: How to Retire at 35

by Paul Terhorst

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Ok Doug. I’m from Pa big portion of Pa is Red problem is the idiots your talking about. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh etc kill us. Cities and cheating why we have ass hole Biden and his cronies. 😡😡 don’t put me in that category.

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We have friends in PA and we know that not everyone in PA falls in this category. But, such is the tyranny of democracy and the corruption of the state. Producers against parasites and the parasites are in charge.

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Thanks for the reply. Love u two. U do a great job. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you, sir!

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Matt is right. I remember one of my first jobs in telecommunication. My boss the company owner saw entrepreneur qualities in me. He said, before you do business with a company, thoroughly check the CEO, owner, because the company and employees will follow. I have learned that this is true for families, and even countries. Here in Canada Trudeau has degraded and corrupted the whole country.

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I am glad I am on the email list.

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"Lawfare" .... ingenious.

A very incisive and rightfully cynical term on so many differenty levels.

How'd that joke go, "What do you call 10k lawyers thrown to the bottom of the ocean?"

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I am glad I am on the email list.

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Food is definitely a big reason for the decline in both intellect and physical stature. I tower over most college students these days whereas I was merely a bit tall when I was an undergrad. Raising your own livestock on pasture like Matt does is ideal but otherwise find good nearby family farms and buy your meat and eggs from them. Be their best customer. Pasture-based farms are going to be much more resilient against supply chain disruptions and soaring fuel prices. The anti-meat agenda of TPTB is an existential threat.

Fun series of fiction books: "The Hidden Truth" by Hans G. Schantz. I'm halfway into the series. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077LKQTYV

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