Where are the SS videos? The public took videos of the event. Surely the SS took videos. Didn't every member have their video clip? If not, why the hell not?

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The responsible party that Doug and Matt refer was Johnson. I was a junior in high school when and we all believed immediately without question that LBJ approved the assassination of JFK.

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He was in on it, for sure.

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when I heard the shooter also was allowed drones I got hero worship overload.... surprised he didn;t ride in on a pinkelephant... made we start thinking... why couldn't they stage this and why or why not?

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You guys denigrate the 3 fat women but really, if you need to know where a Kentucky Fried Chicken is, who could do better?

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In the last minute of the video, Doug reiterates that he believes Biden will win because the Dems will steal the election, even though Trump will win the vote count. I'd like to hear him talk about how this would happen.

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Trump's whole lead to the convention has been theatre. Could this threat be another act in the play?

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How about simply saying that Trumpster is an actor? This benefits him the most, but having said that, it still makes no difference who is in government. This is just a show, and as mentioned, Trump is an actor. I'm not American, and I pay no attention to politics. While people watch and discuss the puppet show, the strings are pulled in the background.

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Unfortunately Tulsi Gabbard is also a WEF Young Global leaders graduate

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