The only thing in his video (saw it a long time will watch again) is how to fight this or survive it in the 80’s

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I've begun to put a great deal of stock in Tom Luongo's thesis. Tom is the co-author 'Gold Goats 'n Guns' newsletter on geopolitics and investing (of which I'm not actually a patron for what it's worth).

Tom asserts that European 'Big Money' (think George Soros, the Rothschilds, etc etc) has invested a great deal of effort and resources into eroding *every* aspect of the American experience: culture, politics, finance, etc. If you sit and think about it, the pieces fit.

* who are the people _most_ pushing the "Green New Deal" climate change hoax? WEF. Now where are they based?

* what would provide a motivational factor for pushing the climate change hoax: if you were the leaders of energy (i.e. fossil fuels) impoverished area (Europe), how might you "level the playing" field economically with energy rich competitors? One approach would involve using psychological techniques (guilt) to bully your competitors into abandoning energy resource that are easily and cheaply acquired in their territory, in other words, you'd convince them to throw away the very things that provide them an economic edge.

* as a nice ancillary benefit, if one were to stake financial positions in "green tech", e.g. solar, wind, rechargeable batteries, and then, through legislation, corporate governance (ESG), and social psychological operations (taDA! Meet Gretta!), could divert vast swaths of capital _away_ from traditional energy paradigms (oil, gas, nuclear) into their new energy paradigms, then one could monetize the climate guilt trip they impose on the rest of the planet.

* as another layer, what might be a good approach to wring out investment markets in the United States in order to induce anxiety in investors such that their capital might flee the safe harbor of the United States and look for another place to anchor their finances? Remove the "safety" of the American milieu: undermine the law, induce conflict, inject chaos, tear down social norms and long standing pillars of security and stability. **Sound familiar**?

When you think about the acceleration of the shredding of the fabric of the United States over the past 2 decades, then "follow the money", then Tom's ideas begin to gain quite a bit of traction, though we (Americans) sure are doing a bang-up job all by ourselves, without any nudges from the outside, of throwing away every financial advantage, pillar of security, and moral high ground that we've become associated with since the early years of the Republic

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The majority of Americans are outraged at the illegal invasion of our borders. Truly, a non-elected cabal is in charge. How does this end? Not sure. Texas Governor, and still a suspected RINO, Greg Abbott, called out the National Guard, but nothing changed.

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I’m not demoralized. Why should I be? I see that others have chosen that way. I can’t relate. Just because others get depressed doesn’t mean I should want to join them. I will keep doing all of the things I enjoy in life. There is no other way for me to continue. I look forward to each and every day. I hope you all will too.

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I too look forward to each day. I am not depressed or unhappy at all. But, that doesn't mean I can't or shouldn't recognize that a way of life is being intentionally destroyed and that millions are being directly hurt by this.

I've made a good life for myself. However, it seems disconnected from reality to assume that the negative consequences of wanton destruction won't come knocking on my door. Or, at least, that of my children.

Actions have consequences. That's true on the individual level as well as the societal. While you and I may continue to do good things that produce good results in our own lives, I can't pretend that the nihilistic actions at large aren't of consequence.

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People don’t change only their attitudes I guess Matthew.

What’s worrying me is once people’s minds are changed they can quickly be changed just as easy in another way perhaps towards joining a pointless war which we will be dragged into again... If’s that’s true and I do disagree that conscription will not work, once you change the environment it’s much easier to get people to change their minds...so the only real asset left is time and try to slow my life down and remember I am from a long line of animal stock and appreciate light,sound and breathing thanks Matt

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It seems the Democrats want to enshrine one party rule by importing immigrants, and the powers that be want to dilute the European descended population. Brazil 2.0. I predict that whites will concentrate in various parts of the country where they can remain the majority.

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Greetings comrade. We must avoid the final stage of subversion - normalization. Keep pushing back against the destabilization and demoralization: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-reason-with-a-demoralized

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