Why so much misinformation about Islam, Islam means peace and it respects other religions specially Judaism and Christianity. Jesus Christ is mentioned 187 times in the Quran and there is a whole chapter called Maryam after the Virgin Mary. It is only the Britiish Bernard Lewis plan of 100 year war in the middle east and the CIA and MI6 backing of extremism that haa been used to divert resistance to colonial powers that has on purpose made Islam into a scary monster for the West so they can spend $1 Trillion a year on the congressional military industrial complex..

It was Christian European powers that started and fought two world wars resulting in 23 million and 55 million deaths, it was US and its European NATO allies that killed millions in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. The US has been at war for 222 years out of its 247 year existence.

So wake up and don't fall for the divide and rule narrative of the deep state.

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You cant fix stupid!

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Actually you can….. but it is permanent

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