I too admire Doug Casey. Pity he fell for the Caste bullshit. He will greatly benefit from reading authentic history and how the so called 'caste' system was imported and introduced during British rule. Jatis do not equal caste. Just as you have surnames like 'Smith' you have an equivalent 'Lohar' in India - which means 'smith'. (You can find any number of equivalents in Western surnames)

He also needs to read about deliberate impoverishment during British rule, destruction of traditional occupations (crushing thumbs of weavers, destruction of forges and mills etc.) and export of indentured slaves by the British.

Herbert Hope Risley went about with "scientific racism" measuring peoples' noses and so on to classify people by 'caste' and the Brits made 'caste identity' mandatory !

A reading of history will reveal that people were proud of their occupations and associated identities, and wealth and power had nothing to do with the so called caste.

Do some independent research Doug - and don't listen to dubious self declared 'experts'. Remember when the chap says 'Indians lie", he is lying too. Such people often accuse others of their own dastardly tendencies. You have seen that before, and you will see it again. You are too smart to fall for this

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I used to admire Doug Casey. Out of 1200000000 Hindus in the world, he had to get Hinduphobic Jayanta Bhandari - a classic Brown Sepoy. Jayanta got his Computer Engineering degree in India; probably grew up there too and now goes to the West and spews half-truths and hate against India. Not going to waste my time listening to this one. Lost some trust and respect for Doug Casey today.

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Why the "open-mindedness"?

Too much optimism, too much hope, too much fear. And those biases too long inculcated-narrated. B(elief)S(piels).

Oscar Wilde had a quip that described all that faulty equipment.

Also, reflexive amorality/immorality, as described, as versus camouflaged same, in patterns of virtue signaling, or any of the other whitewashing, was not mentioned/contrasted (unless “something is better than nothing” applies … but, obviously, fake something is also nothing).

Camp Of The Saints was written in ’73 …

… But faulty equipment is fuel to the usual suspects, & that lot has been bribing/forcing pawn relocation for much longer than that …

… & the usual dupes have been regurgitating arrogance talking/preening-points given to them “about themselves” for just as long.

But demo/graphic/cracy is induced stillborn to be cut up, temporarily sold off - fenced - to dupes, then serially foreclosed upon in the criminal interests of the usual suspects.

As the tech panopticon “improves” the death grip the suspects have on the dupes becomes ever less escapable.

Camp of the de-sainted will be the tech culmination unless hubris works its leveling one more time.

But hubris-leveling will also be a very de-sainted collection of camps.

Amoral/immoral inhumanity is the constant.

The lesser amoral/immoral being vastly outnumbered by the greater is also constant.

Rule proving exceptions know the numbers, & some of those try to relocate out of the direct paths of destruction.

America is a story.

Not a true story.

Which combines two words in the way that “jumbo shrimp” does.

Stories represent truths the same way trump represents “the people” - which is also a jumbo shrimp story of commoditized fungibility.

“There’s a humongous fungus among us … nobody in here but us fungi … see the fungibility tag hanging off my programmed-in rear view mirror that permissions me to park my couched terminology-tales as close as possible to the bread & circus doors?”


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Matt, yes, that wouldn’t have been appropriate unless I also highlighted the factual inaccuracies and I didn’t have the energy to do so.

Also, I’m a long-time follower of your YouTube channel and this Substack and a former paid subscriber to the newsletters. and I have a lot of respect for your work, and I felt leaving that comment there would have been unfair to all the good work you do. I was just shocked by the vitriol poured out by Mr Bhandari.

If anything, an objective listener would say his views and comments are precisely those of the kind of Indian he claims to abhor (perhaps something for him to reflect on)?

This is not a fair representation at all, and I urge you to call a guest who can provide a more balanced view (both the good and the bad) so that you do justice to your readers by presenting a fair picture of India. 🙏🏻

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What an utterly rubbish and one sided commentary full of bias and lies. Seriously, you’re judging a country of 1.4 billion people on the basis of 1 anecdote and one guy carrying some giant bias and grudge (who knows why)? Come on, get someone with a balanced approach, you can do much better than this.

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Thanks for changing your comment from calling Jayant a liar to just biased.

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Jan 3Edited

Also great guest and interview as always

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Its not only cheap labor it is about destroying the white race as only European and European stock nations are being flooded.

Of course you cannot say who is funding and guiding this as it’s not polite or allowed to speak of the Jews in a negative or truthful way.

1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

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This was a great discussion. Explains quite a bit... Thank you Matt, Doug, and Jayant.

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I think Matt and Doug are very on point with the changes that AI as well as the purpose built robots will have. Not long to wait for it to turn the industrial world on its head.

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Canada is simply a canary in the coal mine for the US.😢

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