.... lagging cost of living adjustments - capital gains increases - tens of thousands of lay-offs - stock-share buy-backs nursed w/negative interest rates to keep the ponzi scheme (market riggers) flush and propped-up. Sprinkle-in the occasional boom and bust "business cycle" every 7-10 years and you're talking some serious wealth confiscation - aka theft. Tricky Dick welcomed us all onto the plantation.

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It's not a wonder that both my husband and I worked our entire lives and never seemed to get anywhere. We finally were able to retire and thanks to a large inheritance, pay off our remaining debts including our mortgage. We are now debt-free but struggling a little because of inflation. Most of our equity is in our home. So, we are a little better off, thankfully, but it took until we were 64 years old... Now the young people here don't have a prayer. Getting ahead in any way, without a lot of family support, is next to impossible.

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Thanks for this comment, Laura, I appreciate it. Unfortunately, you're quite right.

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Stagnant wages were a part of the Big Picture. Death of middle class started with death of coal, steel, and manufacturing. We made everything here. People were also were not frugal enough such as eating out, movies, vacations, clothes, etc. instead of putting those dollars against mortgage; also too many bought large homes, new cars, etc.

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I know that we often say that 'Nixon closed the gold window' or that Secretary of the Treasury Connally made that happen... not to split hairs, but Nixon, Connally and the rest are essentially figure-heads that occupy puppet posts. They are selected and installed at the behest of those that occupy the various global financial houses within the international banking cartel. The incremental ratcheting of monetary inflation is engineered, by design, to diminish the wealth and power of individuals and remove their sovereignty over their respective futures. Given this understanding, it's important to take steps to reduce or eliminate as many tentacles that the State uses to trap the individual and develop relationships with others in terms of the mutually beneficial exchange of value for value.

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