The solution is less government, not more, correct. Trump is not a small government guy. He is absolutely preferable to the alternative though.

The public moochers, kickback receiving lobbyists and war mongering military machine won't allow it.

An empire is like a bubble itself. Humans can't keep their shit together for more than a few generations.

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President Trump has kept almost all of his promises. This is a bullshit article. I am surprised, Mr. Casey I expect more from you.

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Tell me more and please be specific.

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He's attempted to, I'd agree.

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This is a list of 20 goals. Regardless of whether they are good, bad or something in between, they are totally meaningless without the 20 systems needed to achieve these goals. JMO

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“Keep the US dollar as the worlds reserve currency”

Doug: “How is he going to do that”

Matt: “See previous item”. 😂😂😂

Btw, you can’t rebuild cities without first rebuilding people. It’s a law of nature.

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Trump reminds me of the line: "How do you know a politician is lying? His mouth is moving."

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That line applies to a lot of people.

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At some point, it applies to everyone.

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