We've had a lot of pointless wars tho that could add up to a WW2 type total.

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So we are going to war. That’s what the chart says. We are at same period just before WW2.

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I certainly hope not. But that's one of the takeaways. And some would say we already are in one.

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Does Laramie = Dan Denning

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I really wouldn't know

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... as long as people acquiesce to the cult of reality avoidance (central banker-suckups) the barriers to overthrow/transition-away from fiat currencies will continue - they will command it and the 100th monkey will comply. Discovery of their master/slave modern monetary deception "system"- control weapons being media - government - education - will never allow/teach the monkeys how to overthrow the debt-slave system. The only way out of the dysfunction, dispair, disruption and general social depravation is by building alternative institutions - outside the control web... the goal being a parallel society that is not subject to psychological warfare that provides a model for a more just and equitable world. Dogs of war never bite the hand that feeds them.

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It's over. Let's move on to something else.

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It's not quite "over," though, is it? IMO, the difference between thinking it's over and when it's really over can be a costly one.

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It is over insofar as the trajectory of decay is at terminal velocity. We don't know when the splat will occur. So yes, there may be a small amount of time to make final adjustments to your plan but how much time before the splat? We have joe or the donald to choose from 'cause nobody will vote for jr. And even jr can't slow this down. So hurry up with your plan, and I wish you good luck. Don't forget to vote!

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Hard to argue when you put it like that my friend 😀

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Saving grace is the Worlds Reserve Currency. It really comes down to whether BRICS can topple the status quo in a 10 year timeframe.

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