Good chart. The debt started going stratospheric around 1972. I wonder what happened right before that? Hmmmmm.

When you become unmoored from the gold standard (1971), the only thing that restrains spending is self-discipline. But, self-discipline doesn't sell at the ballot box. So, here we are.

We know a debt level at 120% or more of GDP eventually leads to chaos in countries that do not have the world's reserve currency. So, the questions are: (a) whether that is the same path for a country that has the world's reserve currency, or (b) whether something must replace the US dollar first before we go down that path. But, down the path we will eventually go.

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The fascinating thing about it, is that there are so many commentators mentioning it, but it is patently ignored by anyone that has capacity to do anything about it. It’s like noticing a couple humping in a public space…it is disturbing but easier to turn away than address it. When do they move from the park to the middle of a shopping centre? When we get the disruption and volatility in the future, the Fed and Politicians will all claim that it was unforseeable, and they now have to act aggressively! Throw a bucket of water on them now!

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>>but it is patently ignored by anyone that has capacity to do anything about it.

Good point. And that's probably because they are directly benefiting from this.

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It is like being on the Titanic, right? Just sailing along, iceberg in view……the band is playing on the deck….and some of us just know it is not going to end well….

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