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Ukraine is the most crooked country that there is, and started this by not adhering to the Minsk agreement. You do not go put tanks and arms on the border of Russia, and then expect them to do nothing. Zelensky will not stop this, and Russia has offered a peace plan time and again. This Old Bag holdout from the Obama days does not do anything but parrot the neocons who want an endless war as a distraction from the fact that the US is failing. I hope that everyone knows that Zelensky has a multi-million dollar estate in Florida, which he will come to when the end comes, if ever. Much of the Ukraine is comprised of Russian speaking people, who have never been allowed to speak their own language again or vote on what they want. When Biden went in, we destroyed our relationships with most of the world, and yet people are blaming Putin for his actions. I wish people would read history. The old communism is gone, and while Putin may be a thug, he has progressed his country in all ways. Angela Merkle of Germany admitted that Europe never intended to honor the Minsk agreement. We have been paying for this travesty for years, and supporting now every other place but our own! When Trump was elected, Putin was the first leader to call him to congratulate him. He wanted a relationship with America. We have done this to ourselves, and if we do not get rid of these people in office soon, we will all be destitute.

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Thank you, Doug, and Lau, for posting this. It's right on, and is in perfect agreement with my comments on my post yesterday, which drew quite a bit from Doug Casey's essays.

If you're interested, check out https://alchristie.substack.com/p/the-dollars-demise

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What would you expect from someone who should be teaching first grade at best.

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"teaching first grade" ?? You give her a lot of credit.

I agree that she should be sitting in a first grade classroom,

but not as the teacher. (I think we're on the same page)

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That "loan" will never be repaid.

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Part 1 of 2

Couldn’t agree more, it is despicable the lengths, the lies, obfuscation and trope ceaselessly rolled out that we are expected to simply swallow, if they’ll do it to Russia they’ll do it to you, your family, loved ones, colleagues, me, anybody, anything, nothing is off the table, off limits, don’t believe me, ask any number of Republicans and Associates your former President and leading Presidential candidate Donald Trump how they’re faring, the filthy, odious Democrats, champions of law, of no one being above the law except when, if, should breach or pierce reach of law apply to them, their actions and or past deeds, then it’s a whole different storey, it’s despicable and loathsome behaviour, like I say just ask any one of a number of those persecuted unlawfully by an out of whack, out of control rabid, almost by virtue of behaviour narcissistic and psychotic DNC…

Laws for thee and not for me, who ever thought the U.S would descend to this, Wars aplenty, all illegal under the sham of that supposed authority given Warmonger and murderer Dubbya Bush, statute used to apply the veneer of legality to murderous actions..

The world has tired and sickened of an rampant, out of control U.S, exceptionalism my arse, warmongers, blood thirsty the nation now recognised and despised, indeed loathed the world over for what it is now plainly seen as, the world’s leading terrorist state, its populace captured by a propagandist media, its citizens, so many of them incapable of critical think or though, going along to get along, or worse, sitting on their large xxxxxxl chuffs figuring or trying to figure it out…. Go figure, I mean aside that daft and ridiculous oft cited and used expression, it is so apt and sums up the mental and cognitive decline of the U.S populace, mental acuity gone, no better example than the thing they voted to lead them… you know the guy, the walking mummy, always aware of where he is, what he’s saying … you all know, that guy, the guy who is so sharp, that bright when he reads his lines … he literally reads them forgetting some are his instructions “now pause”,… or… “pause for applause” the one who is leading the world to Nuclear War, but then again you won’t, it’s not reported in your oh so free press, so much unreported, you’ll never know about, never mind, just take Karine Jean Pierre, the story teller John Kirby, or the even worse State Department truth fabricators led the truly odious Matthew Miller, or the DoD’s Sabrina Singh.

These aforementioned are truly loathsome individuals, bereft it would seem of any true fidelity to truth telling, or as appears morality, lying it appears their strongest suit, the ability to look you and the nation in the eye and blithely it seems just lie, to utter whatever inane nonsense comes to mind… except sadly it’s all contrived, the talking points all agreed, rehearsed, then merely spun, further, your Mainstream Media treating the nation with equal disdain, working it seems on the premise that the CIA’s long instituted and still in play, Operation Mocking Bird has bettered even their wildest expectations.. the nation truly captured, dumbed down to almost… no, to an actual moronic status and mind think.

Hence the omnipresent need to “figure it out” seems that’s where the nation is stuck … figuring it out whilst your leaders exemplified Blinkin, fiddle guitar whilst the nation burns… ditto Yellen, the entire cabal, Powell and his Fed Co Chairs amongst them, orchestrating the take down of your economy, this latest move Yellen exacerbating the de dollarisation and rush to other assets… Global Majority Central Banks no longer content to sit and wait for their reserves to be stolen, selling now their reserves to replace the same with the only real money Gold… real money we know since recognised as such the Roman Tables, Justinians Law, the very same ancient Roman Statutes enshrined and correctly many nations, in much of the World’s fiscal Statute’s governing and defining their monetary policy… what does that tell you, only the U.S and these Western fools who bought into that fool Keynes and his now proven oh so wrong Keynesian economic Theory, for theory is what circumstances knowingly glossed over the 1970’s and more recently events 2008 and presently has proven Keynes Economics to be, though so assiduously adhered to by Governments, as is the want of politicians when it comes to the print baby print mantra, of getting the presses (Money) going, enabling them to spend baby spend, the consequences be damned… well we know how that’s worked out, the USD worth 100pennies to the dollar 1971-74 now worth a staggering and mind numbing USD$0.0198 cents …. the pound faring even worse…

The World Bank announced last week that they have revised their GDP figures from 2021 onward, and in those revisions they have found that Russia had already surpassed Japan even as far back as 2021, and has continued pulling ahead up to now, presenting as the fourth largest Economy in the World Measured by Purchase Price Parity or PPP.

Russian nominal GDP is priced in dollars (USD) and therefore is only relevant if you primarily use those dollars to purchase things, which is what’s done by countries who do a lot of importing of their goods, since most goods on the world markets are bought in the global ‘reserve currency’ of the USD. But Russia is a trade surplus, which means it exports far more than it imports. It is self sufficient and doesn’t need to price much in dollars, but rather in its own currency. When that is done, the “nominal” GDP priced in dollars becomes irrelevant and does not apply. And the few things Russia does import, it now settles in other native currencies, like Yuan with China, etc.

In short: for countries like Russia, GDP PPP is the only accurate measure of economic size and power, it is the nominal GDP which deceptively prices the target country’s economy in terms of a foreign currency (USD) that it doesn’t even use in its internal markets and which skews the numbers based on fluctuations of currency exchange valuations.

Russia also is recognised as being a surplus based and driven Economy, with huge natural resources including especially having huge resources of Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Oil, Gas, and virtually all other Metal oxides, Fertiliser and actual Food Production resulting in exports of foodstuffs as a consequence Russia enjoys self sufficiency, importing little, more so in the tech sector, all of the aforementioned added together with a very low Debt/GDP ratio…. contrast Russias Government debt at 17% to GDP vs the more than 100% and as much as the gargantuan and mind numbing 270+% Japan Debt/GDP, albeit Germany’s Debt/GDP is thankfully limited by legislation at sub 70%, albeit recently they had legislated an increase from the previously capped 60% threshold, nevertheless despite the numbers it’s heading the wrong direction together the rest of their economy… thanks to the loss of Nordstream and blindly following The Pied Piper Biden.. over the economic abyss..

I know predicate the above which country I’d prefer to be, add the extraordinary high rate of home ownership, together approx 70%+ owning outright, nil mortgage debt, and Russian citizens enjoy an extremely high level of living compared those in the West enslaved by debt.

Russia is now increasingly pulling ahead of Germany, leaving it in the dust at 6.45t vs. 5.9t. Not to mention that India’s figure is 10.9t, with Russia having only 1/10th the population of India yet more than half of its economic power. What’s more is that official sources report Russia has a ~40% gray economy which cannot be accounted for, virtually the highest in the world, which equates to an estimated and further $3.55 Trillion or Russia’s total economic value measured by PPP is $10.0Trillion… significant when compared World Bank figures released… “ an economy that is in tatters I tell you, tatters…”

😂😂😂 U Van Der Leyen … President E.U 2022I’m

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Part 2 of 2

The biggest risk awaits the U.S homeland, yet virtually no one, typically talks about it, warns you, nope when the Tsunami of USD’s return are returned the U.S from disaffected and disillusioned holders of USD anarchy, social unrest on unprecedented levels will result… it’s not the USD$34.5Trillion and counting the problem, but the more than USD$81Trillion off balance Sheet USD Debt that is the real problem little of which is noted as mark to market, hence its phantom yet the impact of this added the above $34.5 Trillion of debt 60+% now held domestically in the U.S for a total equating some $124.5 Trillions of real debt that is problematic upon which you can also add the Debt owed by States, Municipalities, Departments able under Statute to raise Debt, oh nearly forgot that’s not including the maxed out USD$1.0 Trillions Credit Card Debt, a debt that lack of liquidity will bring to a sudden end, the Commercial and Private Domestic Property Debt, Auto Loans, Personal Debt and as Warren Buffet constantly opines …. correctly reminds those who’ll listen, the elephant in the room being the USD$700QUADRILLION of Derivatives gambled that need to be unwound, being as Buffet states, the equivalent of fiscal Armageddon waiting to go off… in short, the U.S fiat paper money non gold backed currency is imploding, it’s only a matter of time…

China led Russia in particular know this, are planning the take down of the U.S led fiat monetary system, a system the U.S had been privileged to control, bestowed upon them by virtue of the nations currency being accepted as the globes Reserve Currency, but which has been systematically abused, the over use of sanctions, weaponising the currency, causing penury and economic misery, for so many nations, countless deaths of so many innocent souls, all due an out of control self entitled elite, now loathed and despised… certainly couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of sociopathic fools… need blame, look in the mirror, this has been done by yourselves… as Putin so adroitly stated … correctly it seems.

Russia and China together their BRICS+ compatriots holding a large percentage of the World Gold Reserves now held in Central Banks, it is threat that fuels the U.S led NATO response in Ukraine, literally the Western Financial World is at War, the upstarts to what they consider is their throne… their, Western elites, rightful place, unsure? Recall Saddam Hussein announcing 2000 he was to accept €E.U’s for payment Iraqi oil, bypassing the USD and was to create a gold backed Iraqi Dinar, fatal pronouncement as it turned out, we know how that ended, then there was Libya’s Gaddafi, who likewise announced he’d had a guts full of using the French Central banks insistence he continue using French backed currency as the Libyan fiscal mainstay insisting instead he would create a gold backed Libyan Pound, that he proposed introducing throughout Africa, that did not sit well the French and U.S at the time who both would lose as a result, recall 3% of every transaction on either side, is received the U.S as commission buying USD to facilitate trading on both sides of a transaction in the then mandated USD…. Global reserve currency… again we know how that ended for Gaddafi and family… thus Gaddafi and Hussein were “offed” WMD’s be damned a convenient excuse… however Russia and China are both different, much bigger and both are nuclear armed … that hasn’t seemed to stop these elitist psychopaths threatening military intervention against both nations… the threats escalated to nuclear…

Putin said it best, not one to be threatened…. The vampire Ball is over, with bellies full of human flesh and pockets full of stolen money VVPutin 2024 … seems so prescient, he obviously knows more about what’s going on… what’s to come for the rapacious Western Vampires, certainly seems to be so apt..

Lastly a great quote that summarises as noted literally our world the last 3+ decades from the Twin Towers, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine and all places in between destroyed by Western lies, hubris, obfuscation, bellicose rhetoric and actions… the many deaths, regime changes, coups, illegal wars to name a few that the World has witnessed U.S exceptionalism foment over this period, just more of the many 84 regime changes and coups the U.S has orchestrated since ousting the Hawaiian Royals the 1890’s on behalf of the Dole Family, through the Maidan coup Ukraine 2014, Shinzo Abes recent assassination, Imrahn Kahns 2022 ouster and attempted assassination, Slovakias P.M, Robert FICO’s most recent attempted assassination, the recent Hong Kong and Georgia civil unrest as well as many more going back to 1890 Hawaii and orchestrated the U.S OSS superseded the CIA in concert CIA offshoot the currently Samantha Power US Aide, Soros foundation, the plethora of NGO’s, Think Tamks and the many ubiquitous foundations that now proliferate, however none are so odious as U.S Aide and the CIA with their SAC and SOG paramilitary operatives riding shotgun… its despicable and needs stop, throw in the more than 206 known Wars, conflicts, uprisings including genocide against your own Indians that former President Jimmy Carter confirmed the U.S had participated in for the period 1776 through 2014 when he made the statement and that number of 206 has been superseded given so many more events we know the U.S has instigated since 2014, Ukraine but just one of many… add them up, the number is terrifying, yet China and Russia are your biggest threat….

Nope, it’s your out of control government and permanent management class, they who have postioned themselves as being entitled that is the threat, the real threat.. the world though has awakened, tired of the bellicose behaviour, the vitriol, denigrating rhetoric that is so belligerent, offensive that enough is enough…

My advice, prepare, as we read often in scripture, the end is coming, is nigh.. hearken to the warning, or you will suffer, the average American need not if they prepare, I love American people, am saddened by the decline I’ve witnessed my many trips up to the states, the homeless, l helplessness, loss of the get up and get it done attitude, the dumbing down of the nation, the lack of ability to think, a trait fast disappearing, your constant diet of fear mongering on your screens, I cannot watch that rubbish any longer, tuning out years ago..

Many an occasion together at times with family I have travelled the States, nearly every State Capital, nearly every major metropolis, criss crossed the nation so many times, have met so many wonderful, warm, kind, polite, friendly and just bloody great people despair for what’s coming at you all.. hence my warning to prepare…

Someone better than I summarised the present, his present long ago, still however so very applicable, more so me thinks today more than ever… this I’ll leave you with…. this, think of it every time you hear the idiots on your screen instilling fear into you…. it’ll help you maintain your sanity…

"We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "… Next time you read or hear anything on or in Mainstream Media think of the above… of this Redacted report…

Kia Kaha from the Antipodes…. New Zealand

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Jun 19Edited

What do you call the seizure of land and resources by force?, and the taking of lives of innocent civilians and destruction of their cities? and obduction of their chidren, and erasure of their identies?

Your tender concern about Russian's/Putin's "rights" is LAU-sy.

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So who stepped in to steal US financial assets when they bombed the fuck out of Vietnam and Laos killing 2.5 million poor people? Likewise when they effectively killed 500K Iraqi children (a price worth paying by all accounts) who redistributed their assets in restitution ? When it suited the US, they had no problem shipping $billions of materiel aid to Stalin in WW2. So now the US is wholly in the back foot (a crumbling empire) their only resort is to act like lunatics. What’s being planned here is unprecedented and will have major blow-back in the Western economies. All trust will be lost in the West and if all the $US were to be repatriated US will get Weimar like inflation.

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The lunacy of your non-sequitur series of rants has nothing to do with the issue of Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the proper responce to it. Your hatred for your country is apparent. I'm sure Putin appreciates your contribution.

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Tim. I mulled on this for a while and can admit that there was some less than well polished logic. Going back to the author’s original observations about Yellen’s statement. She does seem to be making a weak justification for what is an unprecedented action which comes with serious risks of blow back for the West. It looks like an act of someone who is sawing off the branch on which they sit; an act of desperation. It’s not some winning hand which is going to resurrect the PNAC and is not in the interests of ordinary folk in the West.

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Appreciate your comment. But sad you missed the main point of the essay.

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Theft by any other name would smell as rancid.

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