Has it been determined whether this gold returning to US shores is what may have been leased out to other nations? Or do these represent new purchases?

My guess is the former.

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The old adage is that possession is nine tenths of the law. If somebody thinks that the US gold reserves have been drained over time since Nixon closed the gold window they’re full of shit.

They know it’s value and they put a kibosh on the outflows in 71’.

I think the US powers that be are building up reserves; my conundrum is why London would allow this amount of outflow, unless they’re in on the game. I’m not sure what to make of that yet. I think we’ll find out this year though.

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Far as I'm concerned funny munny is funny munny. Governments can come up with all the shenanigans funny munny financial experts can dream up to try and make the fraudulent international economic system produce more real stuff and create more real wealth for governments and their real owners to loot. If you're a main street wealth producer, act accordingly.

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sYes, the USG is adding Gold to increase what we have, assuming that we have some in Storage. The US (Trump and military transports) picked up loads of Gold bars, and some other goodies from Vatican stores which were astounding. So the US has some gold for sure in the bag, so to say, regardless of other stores.

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